Spring is back in Alaska (by which I mean it's post vernal equinox), temperatures are regularly hovering above freezing for a few hours in the increasingly strong (and long) daylight... There's nothing quite like spring to make me itchy with things that need to be done (real and imaginary), projects attended to, plans made... Somehow winter for me has become a bit too much about inertia and status quo and making it through... Once 12 hours of daylight are upon you, well it's time for some things to happen...
Just like getting more attention from the sun is a heckuva motivating force to DO... the prospect of a little daylight shed on one's blog is a motivation to dust it off and get some posts under one's belt... So, with the news that this blog might be getting some hits in the mid-term future, I'd better start filling my end of the bargain... Sometime later this year or next (I think) the Global Intermediate Student’s Book by MacMillan Education will publish an English Language textbook that will feature a snippet of a quote from this blog/ger about how dang unfortunately cold Alaska can be... you know, slice of culture and language color... Should be fun... I'm hoping I'll get some sweet comments from actual people and not the weird random comments clearly "blog spam" that Blogger seems unable to filter... Anybody know of a bulk delete option on comments here??
Keeping it short... baby steps little blog...
the Circle-Fairbanks historic trail
8 years ago